Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gates backs GM crops with $17.7m

"Efforts to use genetically modified crops to fight malnutrition in Africa and Asia will receive a major vote of confidence from Bill Gates."

There will be an improvement in rice and cassava due to the Gates Foundation. Bill Gates is offering grants that are worth up $17.7 million to improve the crops that are eaten by millions of people in Africa and Asia. The improvement of these crops can only be done through genetic engineering. The money will help companys create strains of gentically modified rice, called "golden rice", which will produce beta-carotene and once consumed by the body it will turn into vitamin A. In SouthEast Asia alone, more than 90 million children suffer from a lack of vitamin A. A deficiency of vitamin A cause 670,000 deaths and 350,000 cases of blindness in children worldwide each year. The money will also help to add beta-carotene, iron and protein to cassava. Cassava is a crop eaten by more than 250 million people in Africa. Without the genetic engineering, the crop cassava could put people at risk for malnutrition. (picture right- what children look like who have malnutrition, the GM crops could help make the rate of malnutrition go down, and less kids looking like this)

I think this is the one of the first articles I ever read about GM crops that is actually about the postive part of GMO's and how it could help the people survive. A deficiency in these nutrients that crops need is causing many deaths and illnesses in children. I feel that Africa and Asia need these GM crops to help the rates of death and illness go down. It could also help the people who are starving in those areas since GM crops produce faster. This reminds me of when I was in global studies and we talked about the people in Africa and how unhealthy they are. If the GM crops work, Africa could climb very high in the world and their death rates from malnutrition and vitamin A deficiency could decrease. Bill Gates is putting a lot of money into this cause, I just hope it helps and doesn't cause any problems.


1) After reading this article what do you think of GM crops?

2) Do you think the GM crops could cause problems for Africa and Asia?

3) What problems could GM crops cause in Africa and Asia?

4) Do you think there is any other way to improve the vitamin A deficiency and malnutrition in Africa and Asia instead of using GMO's?

Author: The Times

Date: April 15, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Genetically Modified Canola Plants Evade Farmers' Borders

Scientists in North Dakota are finding that usually only farmed Genetically Modified Canola plants are starting to sprout up in very high numbers in the wild also. This so called 'escape' of these plants is giving some people worry because of the possibility of the plant becoming unable to kill with pesticides. This discovery was originally just a small size test not meant to really find any interesting results, but ended up having strangely overwhelming results. Scientist believe that this should not be a very big issue, due to the fact that the GM plants are used to being pampered with fertilizers, constant watering and tending to, and no competition with other plants. These conditions make it very easy for these plants to live, but makes it even more difficult for these plants to live in the wild. While this may not currently be a big issue, other spreads of GM plants could end up making it difficult for them to stay contained. 

Though people may be very wary to take another issue in our environment on their back, I think that it is important that we keep watching this trend and make sure that the rise in GM plants does not get overwhelmingly high. We don't think that these types of things will happen and it seems that they always end up doing so. While these plants may not be very well adapted to the environment, their adaptions are constantly changing and will eventually be able to hold their own in the wild environment, in contrary to the farm environment. I also find it interesting that the people who did this experiment were the first to realize this onslaught of GM canola plants, and not the environmentalists in the area.

1) Do you think that this will become an issue if we do not keep tabs on the amount of GM canola plants throughout North Dakota?
2) Do you think there should be a mandatory check of amounts of wild GM plants?
3) Should farmers have to make sure that these types of "escapes" don't happen?
4) Do you think that scientists are undersizing the magnitude of this spread?

Title: Genetically Modified Canola 'Escapes' Farm Field
Author: Geoffrey Brumfiel
Date: 4/13/2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

GM crops created superweed


This article was about GM crops causing a super weed. A GM crop was made to be resistant to herbicides and and weed that was growing in the same area became resistant to three different herbicides.They found this out when they tested the results from Canadian farmers that volunteer to do it. Scientist are confused by how this happen, so they tested another plant that was growing in the same area and it was resistant herbicide too. Other counties aren't sher if they are going to allow GM crops because scientist say that it couldn't create a super weed, but when GM crops were used it form a super weed.

Scientist sad this could never happen and now it did so what do we now? If more farmers continue to use these GM crop so their will be crop and insects that are unkillable. If this kind of thing happens then scientist will have to come out with some kind of super herbicide and pesticide.


1. What do think will happen if this super weed spreads?

2. Do you think that this super weed could become spread everywhere?

3. Do you think GM crops should not be used?

4. How would you prevent these super weeds from being made?


Tittle- GM crops created superweed, say scientists
Author-Paul Brown

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Brazil utilises more GM crops than ever before

There was a study conducted by an agricultural consulting company, Celeres, from Brazil that states that the majority of soybeans and maize comes from genetically modified seeds. The Celeres Company monitored the crop season of 2010 to 2011 and discovered that more than three-quarters of the land used in Brazil for their crops were planted with genetically modified seeds. Maize crops have increased in area by almost 46% since last season and estimated to increase to 57% of the total area. 325 hectares (10,000 square meters) consists various types of GM which are pest-resistant, herbicide-tolerant, or blend of both of them. This mixture is currently being used in ordinary crop season for the first time. As herbicide-tolerant GM traits are being released, it is limiting the access of technology during the summer and is anticipated to increase in the winter.

We get so many crops from Brazil, how do we know that what we are receiving is not genetically modified? We don’t always know what exactly we are putting in our mouths every day. I never knew that Brazil was such a problem with GMOs. This article was really recent which means this is happening right now and I have never heard anything about GMOs and Brazil before. I never even thought that something existed like a combined GM trait like there is with the pest-resistant and herbicide-tolerant.

1. How can this be beneficial to our society?

2. With the economy the way it is, would the price of these foods increase or decrease?

3. Have you read anything about Brazil and GMOs?

4. What can you tell me about genetically modified food?

More Revelations of FDA Bad Behavior Around GE salmon

The FDA is pushing for a new type of genetically engineered salmon to be approved for human consumption. However, marine experts are trying to prevent this from happening. While the FDA claims that the potential risks of producing these fish are so unlikely that they do not even matter, many experts counter that the slim chance of these risks is insignificant because they could have devastating results. They say that if these genetically modified fish escape into the wild they could breed with natural fish and create a huge environmental disturbance. The FDA argues that the fish are sterilized so they are not a potential threat to the environment because even if they escape they are unable to reproduce. There is a flaw in this though, claims many experts. They say that three percent of the fish are still fertile even after the sterilization. There is always a slim chance that the small fraction of fish that are still fertile could escape and mate with wild fish. The FDA insists that the benefits of these fish outweigh the possible risks, and are hoping to have the them approved for sale very soon. This picture shows a place where fish are grown for the reason of human consumption. This is obviously an unacceptable way of growing geneticalley engineered fish and different methods will need to be used for them.

I personally am for the use of GMOs. I agree with the FDA that their potential positive effects outweigh the negatives. However, I think that there should be strict laws put in place about how and where these plants and animals are allowed to be grown. If many precautions are taken then there should be no way for the fish to escape into the wild. I think there should be laws about how close to bodies of water they are allowed to grow the fish, and they should be grown in labs or indoors somewhere. This exact topic was discussed in our GMO packet. This article was just a more in depth look at all of the different pros and cons of the situation. I think it is important to be informed about this topic because we might be given the choice whether to purchase these genetically modified fish in stores sometime in the near future.

  1. Do you side with the FDA or Marine activists? Why?
  2. What other ways can the FDA ensure that genetically modified fish do not escape into the wild?
  3. Do you agree that it is important to be informed about this topic? Why or why not?
  4. Would you buy genetically modified salmon if they were sold in stores? Why or why not?
  5. What do you think the situation with genetic modification will be like in a decade?

Title- More revelations of FDA bad behavior around GE salmon
Author- Tom Laskawy
Date- November 16, 2010

Monday, April 4, 2011

GMOs taking over

Fish genes, pig genes, or whatever could all be found in GMOs. If you were to buy a tomatoe plant, you may end up eating some type of animal gene. When inserting a seed with GMOs, the seeds reproduce at a much faster rate, causing the genetically modified seeds to take over the normal ones. More then 90% of crop varities have dissapeared due to the genetically modified seeds. People do not realize that we are loosing plant species, faster then we are loosing animal species. This has caused a major problem in biodiversity, which then leads to problems with pests and diseases. Overall, the amount of genetically modified seeds needs to decrease, because we need to save the other species for our habitats.

      This picture shows how more, and more seeds are being injected with GMOs.

Wow, I knew that genetically modified seeds were taking over normal ones, but not to the extent that 90% of crop species have dissapeared. I feel that some type of action should be taken. We need to save the other species so our crops are not just all genetically modified plants. One way of doing this could be to limit the amount of GMO seeds planted in an area. Even though the seeds might still take over some parts, other parts will still left to grow normally. I can relate this back to the lab we are currently working on in class. We just started the experiment but we are testing to see if GMO seeds, and the normal seeds with die if we put the roundup ready seed on top. Whats predicted to happen is that the GMO seeds will not die, but the normal seeds will. Overall, I think that something needs to be done to save our plant species, and not let the genetically modified plants take over.

1.) What do you think could be done to prevent GMO seeds from completely taking over?
2.) Do you think GMO seeds are okay to plant?
3.) How would you feel if you were a farmer and your plant species were dissapearing due to GMO seeds taking over?

Title- Saving The Seeds
Author- Suzanne Elston
Publication date- April 2, 2011