Recently found that a 95 million year old snake fossil reveled that the snake had legs. Scientist used a 3D simulation machine to show the hidden legs. Scientist still don't know if the snake was a ocean dwelling snake or a land dwelling snake. Scientist also used another machine to show the other leg of the snake that was inside of the fossil. The machine that they used this time is like a X-ray machine but a 1000 times higher revolution. The scan they ran showed no foot or toes on the snake.
Why would a snake need legs is what I am wondering. Snake being able to walk of
crawl would defeat the purpose of having a of the vertebra's in its spine. If snake
had legs that must have adapt them so if they did what was the purpose.
What purpose do you think the legs had?
Why do you think snakes grew legs in the first place?
Do you think any other species are like this?
WOW! I never knew that snakes could possibly have legs! Snakes are usually picked out of a group of animals easily because the have no hands or legs, and they just slither their way around their habitats. I think that this is a very strange thing for a snake to have, but it is also very cool and interesting. Here is a picture I found of a snake with legs!!