Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In Chicago, Coal Is The Real Crime

When most people think of innocent people being killed, they think of murders or terrorism. However, toxic pollution has become a huge problem in our country and around the world, and is claiming many lives. According to the Clean Air Task Force and Harvard University, every year in the US, between 13,000 and 34,000 lives are lost due to the toxic chemicals released into the environment by coal plants. These harmful emissions also cause other health effects such as asthma attacks,heart attacks, respitory diseases, birth deffects, and many more. This results in Taxpayers dishing out nearly 500 billion dollars per year to pay for the damaging effects of this extremely harmful pollution. Chicago is home to two very old coal plants that release high levels of toxins into the air to to their ancient technology. The death toll from these toxins in the city of Chicago alone is about 40 people per year. Even worse, these power plants are generating power for places in the east coast and California. These plants are sickening the people of Chicago and helping them in no way. Chicago is suffering the destructive effects of these dirty energy sources, and not recieveing any of the profit.

Crawford coal fired plant, which is one of the power plants mentioned in the article. Due to its old age, it is extremely dirty and the cause of much of the pollution in Chicago.

I knew that pollution could make people sick, butt i didn't know that it actually did! I do not understand how this is legal. If these toxic pollutants are causing such widespread sickness and even death, why are they still being released into the environment? It kind of makes me angry that the government lets these companies get away with murder...literally. This reminds me of the topic we've been discussing almost everyday in class lately, the Donora smog. The companies in Donora that were releasing so many chemicals from the zinc smelting plants and got away with it. It’s outrageous that these companies can get away with this. The government needs to step up and do something about it?

  1. Does this article change your views and opinions about air pollution? How?
  2. Were you aware of these devastating health affects?
  3. Why do you think the government doesn't take more action against air pollution?
  4. How do you think your opinion about air pollution would be different if you were living in Chicago and suffering because of these coal plants?
  5. What are some ways to fix the health issues caused by this pollution?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Global Warming Affects the Polar Bears

Polar bears are losing their habitats due to global warming. Because of the intensive heat in the Arctic, the ice caps are melting and they spend far more time at sea than on land. Global warming is decreasing the size of population, causing sea ice platforms to move farther apart, swimming conditions more dangerous, fewer hunting opportunities, and an increased scarcity of food. They have a small amount of time to hunt during the important season when seal pups are born. As a result, the average bear weight has dropped 15 percent, causing the reproduction rates to decline. Remaining ice is farther from shore, making it less reachable. The larger gap of open water between the ice and land also adds to rougher wave conditions, making the bears’ swim from shore to sea ice more harmful. Exacerbating the problems of the loss of hunting areas, it is expected that the shrinking polar ice cap will also cause a decline in polar bears’ prey, the seals. The drop in ice platforms near useful areas for the fish that the seals eat affects their nutritional status and reproduction rates. Polar bears are going hungry for longer periods of time, and they can only go so long without food. As climate change melts sea ice, the U.S. Geological Survey predicts that two thirds of polar bears will disappear by 2050.

This polar bear issue has been a problem for quite some time now. I see those sad commercials about how polar bears are becoming extinct and how we should try to help and save them. It is amazing how global warming affects these polar bears so much, with habitats, food, and dangerous transporting conditions. I have heard this issue so many times before but never knew that two thirds with be gone by 2050. Hopefully this will all end by the time 2050 comes around because two thirds is much more than half the population.

1. What do you think we could do to help the polar bears?

2. When do you think global warming will end? Why?

3. Why should we care about the polar bears?

4. How is global warming affecting other animals?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Australian Renewable Energy Revolution Critical By 2020

Summary: The author of the report "The Critical Decade: climat science, risks and responses," says that the earth will soon be running out of time to prevent very serious climate events cause from global warning and that countries of the world, especially Australia, should start a renewable energy revolution by 2020 or else there will be irreversible damage done to climate change. Austrlia must get there carbon emissions to stabilized by using energy efficient technologies. Lowering carbon emissions only slows the growth rate of greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Changes must be made in the next decade to transition to zero emissions economy to avoid and increase in global temperature by 2 degrees. An increase in temperature could mean an increase in sea level by 1 meter by 2100, extinctions of coral reefs, and even the end of the polar ice caps. Renewable sources like solar and wind could help that change. This information just reinforces the science behind the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's that says that global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels. It also raises the question of the links tha could be between floods in Australia and the human induced climate change. ( picture- the major increase in global climate in just over hundred years)

Reflection: 2020 is not that far away which means the world, especially Australia needs to start thinking about global climate change. I never knew that climate change could be irreversible. If we don't get to it by 2020 the global temperature could increase by 2 degrees permanently. I also just learned that a small climate change could dramatically change the sea level. We could loose how polar ice caps! They are already melting because of the global climate change. I hope the world and Australia will realize we need to switch to renewable energies so we can prevent serious global climate events. This reminds me of when we learned about renewable energy and how much they could help with our environment. This also reminds me of just last summer and how hot it got during the day, I can't even imagine the summer getting any hotter. I hope we can stop this increase in global climate change.


1) Do you think it is possible to have a renewable energy revolution by 2020?

2) Why is renewable energy a way to prevent serious climate events?

3) What do you think is the reason why we have not tried to prevent an increase in global climate before?

Title: Australian Renewable Energy Revolution Critical By 2020

Author: Energy Matters

Publication: Energy Matters

Date: May 23, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Green Economy Needs Boost, U.N. says

The United Arab Emirates are saying that the industrialized nations need to make renewable energy better and more attractive to keep the climate in check. A special report on renewable resources is saying that wind and solar energy could be as much as 80% of the global energy mix by 2050. This can only happen if the economies make the right decisions. If the economies make the right decisions and incentives then that could mean an increase in the energy mixes of clean energy development. Another thing that would happen if the economies switched to renewable energy would be that the greenhouse gases would stay low to keep the climate change in order. To make this all happen the nations must start using renewable resources at a very large scale. The different nations cooperations is the key to switch to renewable energy in all countries. (picture- what 80% of our global energy mix could be in 2050, wind and solar energy)

Having renewable energy in all countries would be an amazing switch in the world. Wind and solar energy could be 80% of the global energy mix by 2050, and thats not that far! It is surprising that just by switching from nonrenewable to renewable energy we could keep the climate change in check. I believe alternative renewable energy was always the better choice. There is so much more alternative renewable energy that could take place for nonrenewable energy and there would be so much less pollution. The world in general would become a better place. It would also be surprising to me if all the nations would be willing to work together and switch to renewable energy. If they can just realize what a difference it would make they could actually succeed.

1) Do you think switching to renewable energies in all countries is better than nonrenewable energy?
2) Do you think it's possible to switch over to renewable energy by 2050% Why or why not?
3) Why is switching to renewable energy put on the different econmies?
4) If the econmies switched to renewable energy what could happen?

Title: Green Economy Needs Boost, U.N. says
Author: does not say
Publication: United Press International
Date: May 10, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is nuclear energy worth the risk?


After what happen in Japan is nuclear energy even worth it. Scientists say that big disaster like what happen in Japan will never happen in US, but what if they did. It could happen, then what would we do with that area? How would we clean it up? These are all reasons why we shouldn't use nuclear energy. Also what happens to all of the nuclear waste, what do we do with that. The world needs to focus on more renewable energy like wind energy not nuclear energy. Renewable energy doesn't have a peak in price because it’s fuel(wind) is free. Unlike nuclear energy were the price will only increase as time goes on. In the long term nuclear energy is not for the future.


I completely agree. Nuclear energy is not for the future. Even though nuclear energy does not pollute, I do not think it’s a good source of energy. Eventually we will run out of uranium then nuclear energy will become useless. We need to stop making nonrenewable energy and switch to the clean safe renewable energy. If we did continue to use nuclear energy then what would we do with all of the nuclear waste. Also what if some kind of disaster happened, then what. Nuclear isn’t safe or renewable, it’s not worth the risk.


1. What is your opinion on nuclear energy?

2. Do you think nuclear energy is a good source of energy?

3. What type of energy would be a good replacement for nonrenewable energy?

4. What do you think is the best way to get energy?

Title: Is Nuclear Energy Worth the Risk?

Author: Kumi Naidoo

Date: May 8, 2011


Friday, May 6, 2011

Watermelon Juice- Next Source of Renewable Energy

20% of watermelon crops are wasted each year for many reasons. The watermelons go to waste and are used for nothing. What if we could do something with these watermelons? Well the good news is, WE CAN! Watermelons can be use to produce biofuel ethanol. The juice can be used directly or as a nitrogen supplement. It is good for other reasons as well. After using the juice, it can be used for ethanol production.

I think that using watermelon juice as biofuel ethanol is a GREAT idea. If the unsellable watermelons are not being used at all, then why not use them as a fuel? I makes complete sense to take advantage of this and use the juice in a beneficial way. It does not make any pollution, and we are decreasing the amount of fossil fuels we are using. I have always wondered what unique things we could use as fuel, and i think this is very interesting! I would have never guessed that watermelon could be used as a fuel. I can relate this very easily, because everytime I eat fruit I wonder what farmers do with all of the bad crops. Now I know that they can be used as fuel.. well at least watermelon. Overall, I think this is and extremely good idea and could become very popular in the future.

1.) If you had the option, would you use watermelon juice as a fuel?
2.) Do you think using watermelon juice is a good idea or a bad one? Why?
3.) Do you think this will become more popular in the future?

Title: Watermelon Juice- Next Source of Renewable Energy
Author: Zachary Shahan
Date: August 27, 2009

Monday, May 2, 2011

Google Continues Investing In Renewable Energy


Google stated that they were working to make renewable energy cheaper than coal for consumers, but this is a long term goal. Their center of attention is on wind turbine technology. These wind turbines are to produce power along the railroads and computer server farms. Wind energy is clean, renewable, eco-friendly, and will most likely only increase as time moves on. “The Internet search giant said in late 2007 it would invest hundreds of millions of dollars in solar, wind and geothermal technologies to help make renewables cost competitive with coal, reviled by environmentalists for its emissions,” says Reuters, a global news agency. Google made over $350 million in additional investments for renewable energy to date. Google Advisor, Rick Needham explained that Google is also discovering improved geothermal renewable opportunities; this uses existing heat from deep underground to create energy.


I never thought that Google was the type of company to help out like this. Google was always just one of those web-sites to look things up for research and projects. Hopefully Google will help the economy by reducing the cost of fuel/energy such as gas prices and electricity. I remember when gas was only a little more than a dollar, and now those prices have just sky rocketed through the roof. This is a big issue and I think that it is excellent to see all types of business trying to help out like this. If more people would help to change the world, we could do something big, one step at a time.


1. How long do you think it will take for Google to accomplish making renewable energy cheaper than coal?

2. What do you think is the fastest way to get the most energy?

3. Do you think that using wind turbines is the best idea for what Google wants to do?

4. Will Google investigate other countries for renewable energies?


Title-Google Continues Investing In Renewable Energy

Author-Benzinga Staff Writer

Date- April 28, 2011


Waste-to-Electricity Plan Draws Mixed Response in N.Y.

The mayor of New York City has added waste-to-electricity technologies to his environmental agenda. This technology has become very popular in Europe but is not very common yet in the United States. The hope is that burning waste will help reduce the amount of space needed for landfills and reduce the cost of transporting it. The city is planning on using two specific methods,
anaerobic digestion and thermal processing. This will turn solid waste into either electricity or fuel that can be used to create electricity. Some people argue that this system will be a positive step toward a more environmentally friendly way of creating energy. It is said that fewer greenhouse gases are created from the burning of trash than from the current methods used to dispose of it. However, many say that the focus of the NYC Sanitation Department should be on improving the city's 20% recycling rate. Overall, the waste-to-electricty technologies create a win-win situation, trash is being disposed of and a cleaner type of energy is being produced. The above image is a picture of a landfill. It is absolutely horrible and disgusting, something needs to be done to lower the amount of these in our country.

This article looked really interesting to me because I think this is probably one of the best alternative energy sources. It makes so much sense, you can get rid of your trash and create electricity! At sometime or another we are going to begin running out of room for landfills and have to find a different way to dispose of our waste, and what better way to do it? Not only are we getting rid of the garbage, we are benefitting from it too! I also thought this article was good because we discussed it in class last week. This article makes it seem like burning trash doesn't create a lot of air pollution but there must be some harmful chemicals produced by it. However, if it's cleaner than fossil fuels then it's a step in the right direction. I think waste-to-electricity technology is a great idea and i hope to see it become much more popular in our country in the near future.

  1. What is your opinion on waste-to-electricity technology?
  2. What advice would you give the mayor of NYC on his decision whether or not to use it?
  3. Do you think this could become a major energy source in the near future?
  4. If this technology is so popular in Europe, why do you think we don't use it in our country?
  5. Do you think all the claims made about this technology are true? Why or why not?
Title: Waste-to-Electricity Plan Draws Mixed Response in N.Y.
Author: Mireya Navarro
Date: 4/27/2011